Theoretische Physik

Zieg­ler W., End­res H. and Han­ke W. , "Frie­del os­cil­la­ti­ons in­du­ced by non­mag­netic im­pu­ri­ties in the two-di­men­sio­nal Hub­bard mo­del" Phys. Rev. B 58, 4362 (1998).

Zieg­ler W. "Neue Aspek­te wech­sel­wir­ken­der Sys­te­me un­ter dem Ein­fluß von Ve­r­un­r­ei­ni­gun­gen " Dis­ser­ta­ti­on, Uni­ver­si­tät Würz­burg (1997)

Zieg­ler W., Die­te­rich P., Mura­mat­su A., Han­ke W., "Sla­ve-Bo­son Stu­dy in the SU(2) in­va­ri­ant re­p­re­sen­ta­ti­on: Cou­p­led lay­ers in the one- band Hub­bard mo­del" , Phys. Rev. B 53, 1231 (1996).

Zieg­ler W., Poil­blanc D. , Preuss R., Han­ke W. und Sca­la­pi­no D. J., "T-Ma­trix for­mu­la­ti­on of im­pu­ri­ty scat­te­ring in cor­re­la­ted Sys­tems", Phys. Rev. B 53, 8704 (1996).

End­res H. , Noack R. M. , Zieg­ler W., Han­ke W. , "Dy­na­mi­cal pro­per­ties of do­ped stron­g­ly cou­p­led Hub­bard chains", Phy­si­ca B (1996).

Zieg­ler W., W. Han­ke "Stör­s­tel­len in wech­sel­wir­ken­den Sys­te­men", Ver­handl. DPG (VI) 31,2053 (1996)

End­res H. , Noack R. , Zieg­ler W. , Za­cher M., Han­ke W. , "Dy­na­mi­sche Ei­gen­schaf­ten von ge­kop­pel­ten Hub­bard-Ket­ten bei Do­tie­rung", Ver­handl. DPG (VI) 31,2051 (1996).

Zieg­ler W. , Die­te­rich P. ,Meix­ner S., Han­ke W. , " Stör­s­tel­len im Hub­bard-Mo­dell l: Ein Ana­ly­ti­scher Zu­gang", Ver­handl. DPG (VI) 30, 1673(1995).

Meix­ner S. , Zieg­ler W., Han­ke W., "Stör­s­tel­len im Hub­bard-Mo­dell II: Ex­ak­te Nu­me­ri­sche Er­geb­nis­se" , Ver­handl. DPG (VI) 30, 1673 (1995).

Die­te­rich P. , Zieg­ler W. ,Mura­ma­su A., Han­ke W. "Zur Sla­ve-Bo­son For­mu­lie­rung des Ein­band-Hub­bard-Mo­dells: Fluk­tua­ti­ons­kor­rek­tu­ren um die Me­an-Field Sat­tel­punkt-Lö­sung", Ver­handl. DPG (VI) 29, 1498 (1994).

Zieg­ler W. ,Die­te­rich P. , Mura­mat­su A., Han­ke W. , "Cou­p­led lay­ers in the One-Band Hub­bard mo­del: Re­sults of a Sla­ve-Bo­son stu­dy in the SU(2)-in­va­ri­ant re­p­re­sen­ta­ti­on" , Eu­ro­phys. Conf. Abs. 17 A, 1095 (1993).