Semantic Correlation Rules

Se­man­tic Cor­re­la­tion Rules (SCR) are a log­i­cal ba­sis for linked In­for­ma­tion and mi­cro­Docs. They are defined ac­cord­ing to busi­ness-rel­e­vant use cas­es of search and de­ploy­ment of in­for­ma­tion. They are in­de­pen­dent of spe­cif­ic au­thor­ing en­vi­ron­ments and are us­ing stan­dard for­mats and se­man­tic tech­nolo­gies (RDF). SCR can be im­ple­ment­ed and used in de­liv­ery and search sys­tems. Pre­con­di­tion is ex­clu­sive­ly the use of me­ta­da­ta for the as­sign­ment and re­trie­val of in­for­ma­tion. They are there­fore a first and easy step to­wards more com­plex se­man­tic mod­els and re­la­tion­ships be­tween in­tel­li­gent in­for­ma­tion.

Literature and sources online


Zie­g­­­ler W. "Re­gel­mä­ß­ig Ver­bin­­dun­­gen schaf­fen", tech­­­­ni­­­­sche kom­­­­­mu­­­­ni­­­­ka­­­­ti­on, H. 6, p. 18-25 (2020) (Down­load)

Zieg­ler W. Ex­ten­d­ing in­­tel­li­­gent con­­tent de­li­ve­ry in tech­ni­­cal com­­mu­ni­­ca­ti­on by se­­man­tics: mi­cro­­do­cu­­ments and con­­tent ser­vices, in: Pro­cee­d­ings of the ETLTC ACM Ch­ap­ter In­­ter­­na­­tio­­nal Con­fe­ren­ce. Ai­zu­wa­ka­­mat­­su, Ja­­pan. (2020) (Down­load, DOI:­s­­conf/20207703009 )

Zie­g­­­­ler W. "De­li­ve­ry zwi­schen Kon­­text und Con­­tent" tech­­­ni­­­sche kom­­­­mu­­­ni­­­ka­­­ti­on, H. 6, p. 58-61 (2019): (Down­­­­load)

Tech­nial Im­ple­men­ta­tion and ex­am­ples­loads/scr/1.1.0/