
An information model for plant construction and mechanical engineering (and others)

The PI-Mod information model was developed in 2008 in collaboration between several companies. It is intended to cover the main semantic information structures for user and service documentation. The main industry that will use this information model is plant construction and mechanical engineering, along with its connected industries (such as the automation and electronics industry or consumer products).

The information model provides an entry structure that allows information to be recorded in modular fashion. It is as implementation-independent as possible in order to allow easy integration in content management systems (CMS). PI-Mod can be used free of charge and is only subject to an open source licence.

Style checks in the PI-Mod standard information model

XML may be widespread as a data format, but the standardisation of information models themselves is far from universal – with the exception of specific industries. PI-Mod is a standardised information model that has been in use in the mechanical engineering and plant construction industry for several years.

» Download documents relating to the presentation at the annual tekom trade fair [Available in German]