Technical Implementation

In 2009, Zie­gler and Knopf pub­lished ver­sion 1.0 of the Rex for­mat. They used anonymized anal­y­s­es of pro­duc­tive CMS in­s­tal­la­tions and pre­sent­ed their re­sults on dif­fer­ent oc­ca­sions. For ver­sion 1.1 the sche­ma def­i­ni­tion was up­dat­ed and the anal­y­sis pro­gram was fur­ther de­vel­oped. By now, sev­er­al CMS-spe­cif­ic im­ple­men­ta­tions of key fig­ures ex­ist in in­di­vi­d­u­al sys­tems.

The struc­ture of the REx for­mat is defined through two XML sche­mas (XSD files). De­pend­ing on the con­tained in­for­ma­tion the REx for­mat is di­vid­ed in­to two lev­els. On a ba­sic lev­el, a CMS can ex­port reuse da­ta as a re­port in the form of REx lev­el 1. More de­tailed anal­y­s­es and vi­su­al­iza­tions can then be cre­at­ed in co­op­er­a­tion as REx lev­el 2.

Further information [in German]

Zie­gler W.: "Metrische Un­ter­suchung der Wied­erver­wen­dung im Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment", Karl­s­ruhe Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­ences (2008)

Drew­er P., Zie­gler W.: "Tech­nische Doku­men­ta­tion - Eine Ein­führung in die überset­zungs­gerechte Tex­ter­stel­lung und in das Con­tent-Ma­n­age­ment", Vo­gel Ver­lag (2010)

Zie­gler W.: "Kenn­zahlen für das Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment", pre­sen­­ta­­tion at the te­kom spring con­fer­­ence, Dort­mund (2009)

Zie­gler W.: "Re­port­ing & Mon­i­tor­ing im Re­dak­tion­sprozess" pre­sen­­ta­­tion at the Sche­­ma Us­er Meet­ing, Nurem­berg (2010)

Knopf D.: "Re­port Exchange For­mat „REx“ – Metrische Un­ter­suchung der Wied­erver­wen­dung im Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment", mas­ter's th­e­sis Karl­s­ruhe Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­ences (2009)

Ober­le C.: "Kenn­zahlen für das Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment – Ausw­er­tung und Vi­su­al­isierung von Dat­en im Re­port Exchange For­mat (REx-For­mat)", mas­ter's th­e­sis Karl­s­ruhe Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­ences (2010)

Koppe S.: "In­te­gri­erte Qual­ität­skon­trolle in der Tech­nischen Doku­men­ta­tion" (2009)