Content Intelligence (REx)

XML Exchange Format and CMS Metric

In the field of technical communications, content management (CM) methods and systems (CMS) are usually introduced to achieve effective reuse of content. However, a systematic approach to measure and visualize the degree of reusability was lacking in the past.

In 2008, according measurement units have been established through the publication of the German online article „Me­tri­sche Un­ter­su­chung der Wie­der­ver­wen­dung im Con­tent Ma­na­ge­ment“ (Metric examination of reusability in content management). On this basis the REx format has been defined. It provides a standardized way to export data that is related to content reuse from CM applications so that they can be analysed.

Literature and sources online

Ober­le C., Zieg­ler W. "Con­tent In­tel­li­gen­ce für Re­dak­ti­ons­sys­te­me" tech­ni­sche kom­mu­ni­ka­ti­on, H. 6, S. 48-54 (2012) (Down­load)