Privacy Policy

The use of our web­site is usu­al­ly pos­si­ble with­out pro­vid­ing per­so­n­al in­for­ma­tion. In­so­far as per­so­n­al da­ta (e.g. name, ad­dress or e-mail ad­dress­es) is col­lect­ed on our sites, this is, wher­ev­er pos­si­ble, done on a vol­un­tary ba­sis. With­out your ex­press consent, the col­lect­ed da­ta will not be for­ward­ed to any third par­ties. Please be aware that there are in­her­ent se­cu­ri­ty risks in trans­mitt­ing da­ta, such as e-mails, via the In­ter­net be­cause it is im­pos­si­ble to safe­guard com­plete­ly against unau­tho­rized ac­cess by third par­ties. We op­pose the use of any avai­l­able con­tact in­for­ma­tion giv­en ac­cord­ing to the TMG reg­u­la­tions for send­ing un­so­licit­ed ad­ver­tise­ments and in­for­ma­tion ma­te­rial by a third par­ty. As the web­site provider, we re­serve the ex­press right to take le­gal ac­tion against un­so­licit­ed mail­ing or e-mail­ing of spam and other sim­i­lar ad­ver­tis­ing ma­te­rials.

Piwik web analytics

This we­b­site us­es Pi­wik, a web an­a­­lyt­ics open-source soft­­ware. Pi­wik us­es “cookies”, which are text files placed on your com­put­er, to help the we­b­site an­a­­lyze how users use the site. The in­­­for­­ma­­tion gen­er­at­ed by the cookie about your use of the we­b­site (in­­­clud­ing your IP ad­­dress anonymized pri­or to its stor­age) will be stored on the serv­er of the ser­vice provider in Ger­­many. You may re­­fuse the use of cookies by se­lec­t­ing the ap­pro­pri­ate set­t­ings on your brows­er, how­ev­er please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­­tio­n­al­i­­ty of this we­b­site.