

Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment in Chi­na: tc­world Con­fer­ence 2015

At the first tc­world con­fer­ence in Chi­na on May 17th, 2015, Prof. Zie­gler gave two in­tro­duc­to­ry talks about con­tent ma­n­age­ment meth­ods and sys­tems

At the first tc­world con­fer­ence in Chi­na on May 17th, 2015, Prof. Zie­gler gave two in­tro­duc­to­ry talks about con­tent ma­n­age­ment meth­ods and sys­tems. You can get more de­tailled in­for­ma­tion on the Con­fer­ence Site and at tekom Eu­rope.

<&nb­sp;PI-Klas­si­fi­ka­tion im Nor­den