
Prof. Dr. Zie­gler’s lec­tures and tu­to­rials teach the key con­cepts of in­for­ma­tion and con­tent ma­n­age­ment in tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Th­ese in­clude metho­d­o­log­i­cal and tech­ni­cal prin­ci­ples for the con­cep­tu­al de­sign, pro­gram­ming, im­ple­men­ta­tion and use of ap­pro­pri­ate sys­tems.

Introductory lectures and tutorials in the first four semesters of the bachelor’s program:

  • pro­gram­ming (WiSe)
  • mathe­mat­ics (Wi­Se; is cur­rent­ly taught by a tem­po­rary lec­tur­er)
  • databas­es (SuSe)

Advanced lectures and tutorials as of the 5th semester of the bachelor’s program:

  • con­tent ma­n­age­ment (Su­Se)
  • in­for­ma­tion sys­tems A (SuSe)
  • in­for­ma­tion sys­tems B (Wi­Se)

Lectures and tutorials in the master’s program:

  • qual­i­ty and pro­cess ma­n­age­ment (Wi­Se; is cur­rent­ly taught by a tem­po­rary lec­tur­er)
  • XML-based in­for­ma­tion and con­tent ma­n­age­ment (Wi­Se)

The textbook for content management

The se­cond edi­tion of the pop­u­lar text­book has been pub­lished in 2014.

Prof. Dr. Pe­t­­ra Dre­w­er and Prof. Dr. Wol­f­­­gang Zie­gler up­dat­ed and com­ple­ment­ed the con­tents for the cur­rent edi­tion. The main top­ics are still trans­la­tion-ori­ent­ed au­thor­ing and ma­n­age­ment of mo­d­u­lar in­for­ma­tion by means of cur­rent soft­ware sys­tems. You can find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion at Vo­gel Busi­ness Me­dia.