Key Figures for Content Management

Re­dun­dan­cy is the most el­e­men­tary key fig­ure of the stat­ic key fig­ures. Re­dun­dan­cy de­scribes the share of con­tent of a doc­u­ment that is al­ready used in other doc­u­ments or publi­ca­tions. The de­gree of re­dun­dan­cy can re­fer to the amount of mo­d­u­lar units or– as mo­d­ule sizes can dif­fer vast­ly –to con­tent-based units (seg­ments).

Another in­ter­est­ing stat­ic key fig­ure is abun­dan­cy (uti­l­iza­tion num­ber). This key fig­ure mea­sures the fre­quen­cy of ob­ject reuse (mo­d­ules, me­dia). Ad­di­tio­n­al­ly, if CM ap­pli­ca­tions are ex­amined ex­ten­sive­ly, a mul­ti­tude of key fig­ures (doc­u­ment sizes, mo­d­ule sizes, re­dun­dan­cy, abun­dan­cy) can be de­ter­mined and an­a­lyzed in terms of how they are dis­tribut­ed and cor­re­lat­ed.

Fur­ther dy­nam­ic key fig­ures ad­di­tio­n­al­ly take the con­tent life cy­cle of in­for­ma­tion en­try and doc­u­ment cre­a­tion in­to ac­count. They are estab­lished by cre­at­ing and vi­su­al­iz­ing the his­to­ry and ver­sions of CMS ob­jects and can be cor­re­lat­ed to the stat­ic key fig­ures.

Further information and articles

Ober­le C, Zie­gler W. "Con­tent In­tel­li­gence for Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment Sys­tems" tc­world e-mag­azine (2012)

Ober­le C., Zieg­ler W. "Be­s­tim­­mung von CMS-Ken­n­za­h­len mit der REx-Me­tho­de" pro­ceed­ings of the te­kom spring con­fer­ence, S. 72-73 (2013)

Ober­le C., Zieg­ler W. "Con­­tent In­­tel­li­­gen­ce für Re­­dak­ti­on­s­sys­te­me" tech­nische kom­­mu­ni­ka­ti­on, H. 6, S. 48-54 (2012)

Zieg­ler W. "Wie (gut) wird un­s­er CMS ge­nutzt? REx-Ken­n­za­h­len für das Con­­tent Ma­­na­ge­­ment", pro­ceed­ings of the tekom an­nu­al con­fer­ence, (2012)

Zie­gler W.: "Re­port­ing & Mon­i­tor­ing im Re­dak­tion­sprozess", pre­sen­ta­tion at the Sche­ma Us­er Meet­ing, Nurem­berg (2010)

Drew­er P., Zie­gler W.: "Tech­nische Doku­men­ta­tion - Eine Ein­führung in die überset­zungs­gerechte Tex­ter­stel­lung und in das Con­tent-Ma­n­age­ment", Vo­gel Ver­lag (2010)

Zie­gler W.: "Kenn­zahlen für das Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment", pre­sen­ta­tion at the te­kom spring con­fer­ence, Dort­mund (2009)

Zie­gler W.: "Metrische Un­ter­suchung der Wied­erver­wen­dung im Con­tent Ma­n­age­ment", Karl­s­ruhe Uni­ver­si­ty of Ap­plied Sci­ences (2008)