Content Intelligence (REx)

XML Exchange Format and CMS Metric

In the field of tech­ni­cal com­mu­ni­ca­tions, con­tent ma­n­age­ment (CM) meth­ods and sys­tems (CMS) are usu­al­ly in­tro­duced to achieve ef­fec­tive reuse of con­tent. How­ev­er, a sys­te­m­at­ic ap­proach to mea­sure and vi­su­al­ize the de­gree of reus­a­bil­i­ty was lack­ing in the past.

In 2008, ac­cord­ing mea­sure­ment units have been estab­lished through the publi­ca­tion of the Ger­man on­line ar­ti­cle „Me­tri­sche Un­ter­­su­chung der Wie­der­ver­wen­­dung im Con­­tent Ma­­na­ge­­ment“ (Met­ric ex­am­i­na­tion of reus­a­bil­i­ty in con­tent ma­n­age­ment). On this ba­sis the REx for­mat has been defined. It pro­vides a stan­dardized way to ex­port da­ta that is re­lat­ed to con­tent reuse from CM ap­pli­ca­tions so that they can be anal­ysed.

Literature and sources online

Ober­le C., Zieg­ler W. "Con­­tent In­­tel­li­­gen­ce für Re­­dak­ti­on­s­sys­te­me" tech­ni­sche kom­­mu­ni­ka­ti­on, H. 6, S. 48-54 (2012) (Down­load)